jamie was first to notice that the Institute of Comtemporary Arts in London is hosting an evening with John Perry Barlow this Wednesday at 7:30pm GMT. "Once called the Thomas Jefferson of cyberspace John Perry Barlow has been a Wyoming rancher, co-writer of songs with The Grateful Dead, and a key figure in debates about cyberliberties, copyright in a digital age, and the digital divide. He has been on Wireds masthead since its inception and his manifesto A Declaration of Independence of Cyberspace has been widely distributed on the net. On an increasingly surveillanced planet, and in a world where intellectual property is owned by major corporations such as AOL/Time Warner, John Perry Barlow talks about politics and ownership."
The relevence? free2air.org, consume and other groups are actively parpticipating in the drafting community networks ownership and responsibilities documentation, including supporting picopeer.net as a template for all open wireless networks for interfacing with each other. This documentation and declaration of infrastructure ownership redefines the power boundaries and economics of telecommunications infrastructure.
It promises to be an intriguing evening ...